Mass Sheep and Wool...Eh.

The Best Hubby in the World and I went to the MA Sheep and Wool Saturday. It was ok. Don't ask me why I'm not so excited about this one I just wasn't feeling it.

I was able to get a couple of goodies. I’ve been holding back from buying the gorgeous roving from Indigo Moon Farms. I went to the fest with the intent of buy some. And buy I did.

I like a few things about Indigo Moon. The fiber seems really well prepared and when you go to her booth, she has knitted up swatches of each roving so you can see the result of the colorways. This particular one, in my opinion looks better knitted up than in the roving itself but we’ll see…

I also got a little bit of this Merino/Tencel mix from The Sheep Shed.

I had a funky dream about these exact shades of orange and pink so naturally I had to buy roving in those shades.

I sat in on the Washing a Fleece Without Felting workshop with Barbara Clorite-Ventura. I didn’t stay as it was a paid workshop and I got there just a little too late. It was really neat though.

Cuteness factor of the week? The Angora bunnies. Relax, I didn’t buy any. I didn’t even hold any for fear of falling in love with and absconding with one. But do ya think maybe these little guys are just a little socialized?

After a while, we took off and ran over to WEBS. Now, many a fiber geek has raved to me about this Mecca of yarn stores. But, honestly, I don’t know how any of them did it without doing that “I’m doing the pee pee dance because it’s the only way I can physically express my excitement” thing (you know the one I mean, right? Or am I the only dork who does this?). Anyway, I got a thing or two…Ahem…There was this…

...a little big of this…

Aaaaannnd…Oh ya…This

Now hold on a minute! The DB Cathay was a really good deal and I do have projects in mind for it. Hmmm? What’s that you say? The Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock?. Well, I do want to make my first pair of socks and you don’t expect me to make them in just any yarn do you? Do you? Ok, ok. I admit it, I succumbed to the yarns sheer yummy factor. But they will make a lovely pair of Jaywalkers, don’t you think?

So that was it for shopping for this weekend, anyway.

I did go ahead and ply some of that yarn I was spinning from NETA Pal Mary’s sheep Charlotte. I decided to practice my long draw and produced this.

It’s a bit too “lofty”, a.k.a. fluffy. But it’s my first try and I’ll practice some more and see where I can improve.

On a non crafting note, my wonderful MIL got me these lovely Stargazer Lily plants to plant.

She’s such a sweetie. I know with these and Casablanca Lilies you either love them or you hate them. Some people find the smell overpowering but I just love them.

So, off I go to plant and swatch for Picovoli.


ZantiMissKnit said…
Nice scores!

It's a good thing bunnies make my eyes itch, and I've had them before and know how much work they can be. . . because they are SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! If it weren't for the two above factors, I may have one.
Amie said…
Welcome to the Spinning Wheel!

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