I thought I’d actually pop in for a change. Just kidding. Just thought I’d show you that I actually have been up to some stuff. I don’t have pics of the on going FSP saga yet but I do have (drumroll).

A finished Jaywalker!!! I have not started on the second sock yet but this one is done.

What is the sock laying on you ask? Well that would be some airy soft Polwarth rolegs washed and carded by yours truly. My first batch. I love this stuff! I picked it up at the CT Sheep and Wool eons ago. I was finally able to pick myself up some handy-dandy Howard hand cards from this place. A great store with a wonderful location AND they sell spinning fiber as well as yarn. Yarnia indeed. Yes, I did buy some other stuff here and yes, I will be posting about that soon…Well…relatively soon? Ahem…Onward and upward.

I started making bobbles again and this was my first pair in some time.

I needed something simple to go with a new outfit I bought. Not Van Cleef and Arpels by ANY far stretch of the imagination but it does count as an FO and they're not bad for a pair I scratched together with stuff I had laying around. I’d forgotten how much I loved plain old beading.
I also wanted to show what I've been spinning. Finally, I think I'm getting the hand of the long draw (about time)

That’s it for now. I know, weird, huh? More to come.

Take Good Care


Harlem Purl said…
Are you planning on dyeing the yarn you're currently spinning once you're done? Inquiring spinners want to know.
Lanea said…
Hiya. Time to add your ringcode for the KR Webring. Let me know if you need any help.
Hi there! It was great seeing you tonight. Already I had forgotten Krista's new website. :( However, I did remember to give you the Forest Path Stole KAL link. ;) I hope to KIP with you again. Maybe we can meet at the Panera or Borders in North Attleboro!

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