Give Er Some Bandwidth and Ya Can't Shut Her Up

Sorry about the lengthy post but there's just a lot to say. I'll start with this weekends events.

BIG thanks to NETA/Sunday Spinning Maven Sherry who hosted Summer Spa at her gorgeous lake house this weekend. I had a scenic drive through some of the most beautiful parts of Massachusetts. Listening to last week's episode of Cast On made it that much more enjoyable. If you ever have to take a long drive by yourself, I highly recommend listening to Brenda.

I got to the turn leading to Sherry's house and I wasn't sure if Oma's Escort was going to make it down the path.

But make it she did. I stepped out of the car and saw these lovely little flowers and just had to snap a pic.

In fact, every time I turned around I saw something beautiful. (Yes, I snapped many pics but will spare you for the most part). Mona, Kay, Lori Micki and I all had a wonderful time spinning and knitting the weekend away staring out at this view.

I had such a great time and I learned so much from all of the ladies. Micki was so helpful to this fledgling spinner and I am so grateful. I can't wait to meet up with her again this weekend. Now Micki's skills as a hillarious raconteur and her wonderful giving and helpful nature was only outweighed by her collection of spindles. Get a load of this!

I mean ya gotta admit, that's impressive. I got to use two of her Golding spindles and they are great! I sense a purchase coming on. Hey, I don't know, I'm just sayin.

Anyway. I'm having some trouble uploading the rest of the images from this weekend so as soon as I figure out what the issue is with them, I'll post some more. But I had a great time at Sherry's. We chatted, spun, knitted canoed and kayaked. I just go to sit and listen to the water and had to do little more than enjoy the company of truly wondeful people and participate in and learn more about something I really love to do. I backpacked in Europe about seven years ago and I remember being on the train going from Paris to Venice and watching the moon rise. There was a moment there when I felt like I caught a little piece of myself. And that's how I felt again just sitting there on the dock by the lake. I don't know if that makes any sense but there you have it. I know...Corny. But it was so much fun and I think it's just great that she's willing to have her home invaded by a bunch of fiber freaks for the weekend. It's was a great way to say goodbye to the relentless rain and hello to (almost) Summer. Thanks again, Sherry.

Next on the agenda is my list of FO's. Ok. So let's start with this.

It's...Well...It's a TENT, people. Now I am not a tiny girl but I don't know how big I thought I was but I swim in this thing! "Measure twice, cut once." for cryin out loud. I admit it. It's my own fault. This is all from my serious aversion to doing any kind of math. Yep, I ignored every single thing I've ever read or heard or learned and just said "yeah, that's my chest measurement." and just forged ahead and knitted...and knitted... AND KNITTED...Honestly, I knew what I was doing, I saw all the signs and promptly ignored them all. This was my first sweater so I'm really dissapointed but I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I've sentenced myself to serious measuring and to hours of listening to Lara, although the latter is hardly punishment. I've really found listening to her podcast VERY useful. Although I am dissapointed in the size, I approached this project very much as a practice item so I'm trying to look at the bright side and am giving myself teenie props for actually at least getting it to look like a sweater. And I love the yarn! It was TLC Cara Mia and Ooo. It is SO soft.

My next FO came out much better...At least I think it did. Take a look at Chickami from Chick knits.

I'm actually a little proud of it. I haven't blocked it yet but THIS fits. Hmph! For this one I used Takhi's Cotton Classic. Really soft and great to work with.

That's it for the FO's for now.

I'm also learning to sew so I'll post some pics about that adventure soon. But for now, the item I'm most excited about. My little family addition...Here she is.

(Hearing Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" in my head). I just love this wheel! I've been taking spinning lessons for a little while and had been renting an Ashford Traditional. I just wasn't a good fit for that wheel. But I tried Sunday Spinner Kat's Schacht Matchless DT and I was just smitten. So I was going to order it from my spinning teacher but Schacht is presently backordering these. I went into typical "You mean I can't have instant gratification!!!" panic mode and called at least 10 places until I found these WONDERFUL people. Let me tell you about this place. They not only had wonderful service but they had the wheel to me in 5 days!!! All the way from California to Mass! Which meant I had it in time for Summer Spa which was what I wanted. I had her (yes, I'm referring to it as her and YES, I will be giving her a name. I'm a dork, I know this) shipped to my husband place of business he's so funny. He knows me so well that once I gave him the tracking number, he sent me updated e-mails. "I know you've already checked but it's in Chelmsford right now and should be here by tomorrow morning. He knows me so well (and yet, he still married me).

I practiced my long draw on the wheel this weekend and I can't tell you how much I love this thing but I'm sure I'll bore you trying.

Speaking of my hubby's work, I snapped these pics when I picked him up the other day.

Make way for the goslings! Aren't they cute? Now I work in the city and I love it but wouldnt' it be nice to step outside for a break and see these little cuties?

Ok. I will take pity and be off for now. I am going to Mass Sheep and Wool this weekend. I sincerely hope we have better weather than we did in NH. Let me know if you'll be there. I'd love to meet up. Otherwise, I'll have more updates then.


ZantiMissKnit said…
I think we are going to MA Sheep and Wool on Sunday. I checked the weather for Cummington, MA, last night, and it says scattered showers on Saturday but low 70s and partly cloudy on Sunday. Sounds like a good day for a long drive!

I'm loving those gosling pictures! I see them sometimes in town (near the Spaulding Rehab center, and also never the CambridgeSide Galleria). I'm also very very jealous of where your friend lives.
Monica said…
Congrats on your wheel! Looks like you had a great time at the Summer Spa. It looks so peaceful where you were.

The Grafton batt was fun to spin, for the most part the fiber just flowed through my fingers. I enjoyed watching the colors spiraling out. I didn't do any pre-drafting, so the ends of my strips were a bit tough, but I'm sure pre-drafting would have taken care of it.

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